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Cler Hotel

Cler Hotel



The Cler Hotel is located on Rue Cler street, along with the cutest restaurants and fruit markets that I have ever seen. I first went to Paris in 2015 and the hotel I stayed at then was pretty cool, but now having stayed at Clear Hotel I understand how important it is to choose the right hotel because it can change you're entire outlook on the city that you are in! The two biggest benefits of this hotel are the rooms and the location, read below to see why!  



So I'm not going to lie, the rooms were a little small compared to American standards, but compared to European standards it was like we were staying in a suite! For me personally, I don't mind a tiny room if it is updated and I don't feel like I'm suffocating. One of the nicest parts about the layout of the rooms were that the bathrooms were very spacious for the amount of square footage that they were working with, I've stayed at hotels in Europe where you couldn't even lift your arms in the shower because it was too tiny and that was definitely not the case at Cler Hotel. The rooms were cute, clean, modern, and the cherry on top is that you can also see the Eiffel Tower from most of the rooms!



Location Location Location

The Cler Hotel is located in one of my favorite spots of the city. It's only a short walking distance to the Eiffel Tower, Champ de Mars, and so many other big sites in Paris. The street that it is located on is what I picture when I think of a typical Parisian street with lots of restaurants, macaroon places, and all the gelato that you could ever want! 



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