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Travel Essentials

Travel Essentials

The next time you're dreading your flight and feeling stuck in a cramped seat, read this list of travel essentials to surviving your flight with a smile on your face! And this is speaking from experience because I have needed all of these items at one point in my traveling experience!

  • Eye drops; especially for flights over 4 hours!

  • Nose spray; mainly for longer journeys, around 8 hours plus!

  • Advil

  • Lotion

  • Sleep mask

  • Hand sanitizer

  • Toothbrush

  • Gum

  • Socks; nothing is worse than having cold feet on a long flight!

  • Slippers; if you have extra space in your carry on and are flying for 8hrs plus, having some slippers to help with the feet swelling is a game changer!

  • Scrunchie/ Hair Clip

  • Hat

  • Vitamins; especially vitamin c!

  • Portable charger; most planes now have outlets but just in case they don’t, you will thank your lucky stars you have this!

  • Wet wipes; cleaning off your seat area 😷

  • Pen; if you are traveling internationally you will usually need to fill out paperwork and it makes life easier if you have a pen ready!

  • Mirror

  • Tissues

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