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Paris, France

Paris, France


From Paris with love,

Having experienced the city of love twice and in two completely different ways, here are some of the top tips I have when visiting this incredible city!


Things to Do

The Louvre | is one of the most amazing art galleries in the world. It is home to the infamous Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo, Winged Victory of Samothrace, and many many more. First things first, get there as early as possible! If Mona Lisa is the main thing you want to see, getting there early will help you get a front row view of her instead of having to see her through a massive crowd. It is very easy to get lost in the Louvre so do your research before and map out what you want to see so that you don’t waste a lot of time searching and wondering how you ended up in a basement somewhere.

Versailles | at any of the top sights to see in Paris you have to get there as early as humanly possible. Versailles is no exception and probably the most important because if you don’t get there early, you could literally be waiting in line ALL DAY. While you’re at Versailles, make a stop at The Hameau de la Reine aka. Marie Antoinette’s House. It is stunningly beautiful and wayy less people.

The Eiffel Tower | This one is obvious and probably doesn’t need to be stated but the Eiffel Tower is incredible. It’s literally impossible to take a bad photo of the Eiffel tower. My top tip for visiting would be to visit it up close during the day, then take a boat cruise to see it sparkling at night! (Pro tip: visit during the off season to avoid as many people as possible and people trying to sell you junk)


Arc de Triomphe + Champs Elysees | The Arc de Triomphe is the best place to see Paris from up top IMO, the Eiffel Tower and Sacre Coeur have 10x the amount of people so my advice would be to skip those! The Champs Elysees has some of the best shopping in Paris so obviously makes the top of my list for places to go!

Place de Trocadero | Here you will you get an awesome view of the Eiffel tower that is featured in the first photo of this post!

Things to eat | You can’t visit Paris without trying macaroons, chocolate croissants, and crepes!


Transportation Tip:

The Big Bus has never failed me and will always be my number 1 choice when visiting a large city with a short amount of time. It is definitely the most “touristy” thing you’ll ever do but it is 1000% worth it! The Big Bus company is in most major cities and works the same way everywhere, they have stops at the most famous sights and have busses that run every 15-30 minutes. I think this is the best way to go because you pay one fee and you can get a pass for 1/2/3 days (Just have to keep your ticket), it is the safest option, and the best way to see the whole city rather than taking the metro/subway under the city.

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